1. National Biodiversity Inventory and Monitoring Project – Biodiversity Monitoring in Afyonkarahisar Province


  1. Biodiversity Monitoring in Balıkesir Province


  1. Biodiversity Monitoring in Kütahya Province


  1. Species Action Plan for the Ağrı Lizard (Darevskia unisexualis)


  1. Afyonkarahisar Photo Safari


  1. Surface Survey of the Ancient City of Aspendos


  1. Technical Field Trip: “Anatolia Through the Eyes of a Biologist”


  1. Wetland Monitoring Project – Karakuyu Lake


  1. Life in the Reeds: Eel and Northern Wheatear Project


  1. The Arteries of the Earth – Technical Field Trip to Lake Eber


  1. May 22 – International Day for Biological Diversity: Lake Eber Trip


  1. Surface Survey of the Ancient City of Apamea


  1. Photo Exhibition – Bolvadin Symposium


  1. Conference Presentation – Bolvadin Symposium


  1. Conference: “Respect for Nature, Life for Lake Eber!”


  1. Nature Talks: “±1 Degree in the Ecosystem”


  1. Reed Harvesting Action Plan and Ecological Risk Assessment Report for Lakes Eber and Akşehir


  1. Herpetofauna of Afyonkarahisar Province


  1. Conservation and Monitoring of the Jungle Cat (Felis chaus) in Afyonkarahisar Province


  1. EIA Report for the Peat Quarry and Crushing-Screening-Packaging Facility at Lake Eber


  1. Wetland Management Plan for Lakes Akşehir and Eber


  1. EIA Report for the Establishment of an Organized Industrial Zone in Çay District, Afyonkarahisar Province


  1. Monitoring of Flora, Fauna, and Habitat/Ecosystems in Afyonkarahisar Province


  1. EIA Report for the Agricultural Geothermal Greenhouse Specialized OIZ in Afyonkarahisar Province


  1. Monitoring of Bird Populations and Breeding Status in Lake Eber


  1. Mid-Winter Bird Counts (MWBC) in Karakuyu Lake, Lake Eber, and Karamık Reeds


  1. Book – Birds of Afyonkarahisar


  1. Karaburun (İzmir) Wind/Solar Energy Potential and Ecological-Ecosystem Carrying Capacity Project
27 Mart 2025, Perşembe 7 kez görüntülendi